Placenta Benefits

What Is Placenta?

The placenta, which is expelled after birth, is an endocrine organ that serves several purposes as a means of transportation between mother and child. It lines the uterus and while it sends nutrients and oxygen to the fetus from the mother, all without the blood supplies crossing. Placenta has a high percent in growth factors, which can help speed up skin healing and cell regeneration. When applied topically, these stem cells will help boost collagen synthesis while increasing hydration, which helps to fight the signs of aging and instantly rejuvenates skin health. 

Is Placenta Good for Your Skin?

Yes, Because the placenta is so rich in nutrients, hormones, growth factors, proteins, amino acids, and enzymes. it is natural and has beauty-enhancing benefits. The placenta’s healing powers from repairing skin damage to promoting wound healing to preventing loss of elasticity, have been well known in the medical community for some time now. Renowned dermatologists and plastic surgeons have been using placenta for skin rejuvenation and placenta-infused treatments on their celebrity clients for years.  

Where Does Placenta in Guru Cell Renewal Come from?

We only uses placenta from parents who choose to donate the placenta. The nutrient-dense tissue can help with reconstructive procedures, the healing of wounds and burns, ocular procedures, spinal surgeries, and other medical needs. Guru Skin Health only works with an ethical lab who gets all ingredients through an accredited tissue bank. We do not use any animal ingredients.